June 12th:
Breakfast was eaten at The Broken Yolk Cafe, another restaurant idea we got from watching Man vs. Food.
When we sat down in the booth, there was only one thought on our minds… alcohol; and the only way to drink in the AM without looking like you have a problem is to add juice to whatever liquor or beer you’re consuming, so we opted for mimosas. We were given the option of either 2 glasses or a bottle of Champagne, guess which one we picked?

This restaurant did remind me of a Denny’s or an IHOP but the food was homemade & the orange juice freshly squeezed, so they do have a leg up in that aspect. Cody ordered what seemed to be their entire breakfast menu
And I elected for just a biscuit
KIDDING! That was just an appetizer to my $20 omelet, yep I said $20… I didn’t realize all the stuff I added inside of it was a $1 each, but it was an amazing omelet!
After we stuffed our faces
& accrued a decent buzz,
it was off to the San Diego Zoo.
Cody was very INTENSE about this,
I like to think he was saying, "Hello, My name is Cody, and welcome to the zoo..." in the voice of the swordsmen in the movie Princess Bride:
Once inside, we utilized their air tram & bus tour which was included in our ticket cost {$80 EACH!}
There was a lot of ground to cover & so many animals to see, like Polar bears
A very Happy Hippo {that stuff in the water is poop, fyi}
He's not shy
Shouldn't the fence be at least 7-10 feet away then? Just a suggestion
We ended up spending 5 hours at the zoo, I’m so happy they sold flip flops in their souvenir shop!
Here are some more photos of our trip to the zoo:
After checking on the dogs at the house & sprucing up, we ventured into Little Italy
It’s in the back of an Italian deli, which you have to walk through in order to sit down at your table {they stuff all their own sausages, so I highly recommend ordering something with sausage and Cody really enjoyed their lasagna}.
Once you’re seated you notice hundreds of chianti bottles hanging from the rafters decorated with words, photos, etc… from people that have visited, so naturally we ordered a bottle, and no we don't have a photo of the one we decorated because Cody opted for the giant bottle instead of the cute smaller one, so I ended up doing this

A great thing came out of ordering the big bottle though; since it was taking us a while to finish it we got to chat with our waitress who is a 60 year old woman named Stella and we fell in love with her! She ended up sitting down and told us all about her travels, her late husband, her dogs, her life. She was such a special lady. So when you go there, first, ask for Stella to be your server and tell her hi from Cody & Jeannie in Texas. Second, look for our hanging bottle from the ceiling {and send us the photo!} I used a blue marker and I drew a cartoon photo of our little family & I wrote, “Roadtrip June 2012!” Third, order a bottle and leave your own mark!

Again, I drank A LOT, so much I have a video of me drunk talking… it’s hilarious & horrific all at the same time, Enjoy! J
Back story on this video: I was in charge of the GPS and I was telling Cody we're on Beaches Street and that made me giggle {Again, I was drunk}, so that's why I kicked off the video by stating the street name, then I begin to explain why & how I got drunk {we ordered a bottle of wine just so we can "scribble scrib" on it} and in the midst of my rant I remembered we forgot to take of photo of our finished bottle and I became very saddened by this. It was a great end to a great day
*Side Note: I HAAAAAAATE how red my lips are from guzzling {love that verb} the wine & how white my face looks from the flash on my camera phone in that video!!!
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