We met on July 10th, 2004, in downtown Houston. It was Houston’s first time to have a Major League baseball’s All Star Game held here so my sister, Susan, and I decided to have a girl’s night out to participate in the celebration. We probably had been in downtown for 3hrs walking up and down Main St. when Susan starting staring and I mean REALLY staring at someone across the street. When I asked her who/what she was staring at she replied, “This guy, I’m getting a vibe from him.” I asked her to point him out and as my eyes followed her finger tip across the street and through the crowd they
locked on his.
Cody was doing a favor for a friend by working the door at his bar checking ID’s, as my sister and I walked passed the All Star Pub Cody & I “eye flirted” keeping constant eye contact for what felt like hours.
We eventually turned our attention away, but it only took me a few steps until I told my sister that I had to go back to talk to that guy.
Susan and I turned around walked up to the red ropes and started yelling, “Hey Boy!” but we could only get his two friends attention who in turn got Cody’s so he could hear our lame pick up line which was, “We like your hair!” But he had a far better line, “I’ve seen you walk by a few times but couldn’t get your attention…” the conversation wasn’t forced; it felt very natural, like we’d known each other forever. After a few exchanging sentences my sister and I decided it was time to go, I told him that we’d come back after 2:00am when he got off but that wasn’t good enough for him, he decided to walk away with us, taking my hand we started walking through the crowd. He was leading us to his friend’s bar, St. Pete’s Dancing Marlon, he said we could stay after hours and get free drinks, but the events that followed made me think twice about him.
Strike 1:
On the way there he received a phone call which ended with an “I love you too,” he swore it was his best friend Kristen; I thought to myself, he might be lying, but he’s cute.
Strike 2:
Once we arrived at St. Pete’s the door guy didn’t know Cody so he wouldn’t let us in, according to Cody it was a new door guy, I thought to myself, he might be lying, but he’s cute! By this time all the previous drink I’ve consumed caught up to me and not making any head way with this “new door guy” I suggested we’d exchange numbers and catch up later once I found a restroom but when he passed me his phone Event #3 happened.
Stike 3:
He had a photo of a new born baby as his screen savor, which he swore was his best friends, but I couldn’t fight the signs any longer, I said, “Dude, is this your baby? First you say I love you to a chick, you clearly don’t know the owners to this bar, and now there is a baby’s photo on your phone, you’re such a liar!!” He SWORE up and down that everything he was claiming was true, but it didn’t matter, he already had my number, so as Susan and I walked away I turned my head and whispered to her, “Never calling that guy.” Susan and I continue our night but about 2hrs later her phone rings, it was Cody and when I answered he said the funniest thing, “This has got to be the longest pee ever!” It caught me so off guard and made me laugh so hard that I felt bad so I desided to call him on my way home when it was quieter. We ended up on the phone for over 6hrs that night. He told me that I was the women he was going to marry and we even named our children that night. It wasn’t more than 24hrs later when we saw each other again and it only took two weeks for us to admit we were in love with each other, and yes, all of his stories panned out, he wasn’t lying, that was just a friend on the phone, it was a new door guy, & it was his best friends little girl on his phone.
He’d better be happy he’s cute and that I don't go by baseball rules!

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