This Page was created to share a few tidbits about each of us so you can feel like you know us a little bit before embarking on our journey of life.
I’ll start by introducing you to my husband, Cody, who I lovingly call Bubeleh. {Bubeleh is a Hebrew/Yiddish word for Sweetheart, It’s used as a term of endearment for all ages but it’s more commonly used by Mothers/Grandmothers to children.}

His name should really be spelt CoDiY because he’s either creating a new project for the house or executing an idea I had for our home.

He loves working with metal & wood {that’s what she said!}, I feel that he has an obsession with flashlights & levels {do we REALLY need 17 flashlights & 22 levels, do we really?}, and he’s freakishly & oddly good at EVERYTHiNG. He's 75% Irish & 25% Polish which means there’s a beer in 100% of our photos.

He loves crossfit,

Pinterest {he’s on it more than I am!}, music, golf, fashion, tools, beer, & his family.
His day job is with IS&T but his passion is fitness. He’s going to go back to school to get a degree in kinesiology in the hopes of becoming a physical therapist & then running his own crossfit facility.
Now that you met my Bubeleh, I’ll tell you about myself. I’m Jeannie, or Booba, as Cody calls me.
I’m the primary care taker of this blog, I’m sure there will be random post by CoDiY, but basically it’s up to me to keep it going.
I'm obsessed with sweetheart necklines, clothes with pockets, make-up, photography, throw pillows, music, throwing soirees, elephants, DiY projects, Pinterest, carbs, & my family.

My dream job would be a family show on the Travel Network but as a backup dream, I want to open up a Dog Shelter. I was toying with the idea fulfilling my childhood thought of computer animation, but considering how expensive the Art Institute is, I’m going to concentrate on my first two dreams instead. To make them a reality I’m going to head back to school and Major in Entrepreneurship and Minor in Communication.
In addition to the two of us, we have two amazing dogs {no, no children}
Diesel Hoss & Lashes Love

Diesel is a purebred English Mastiff weighing at a whopping 170 lbs.

He was born August 1st, 2009. We picked him up at a breeder’s when he was 8 weeks old, he was 16 lbs. of pure cuteness & anxiety.

Diesel is a dogs, dog. He loves house guest, but his size intimidates a lot of people. He’s also the noise police, so if you’re yelling he thinks someone is in trouble and he’ll come to the rescue. In addition to stopping fun, Diesel is also Love Birthdays

ice cubes, bathtubs, toys,
the hair dryer, & sitting in your lap.
Ever since he was a puppy he’s slept in my “knee nook,” when lounging on the couch.

He’s such a great dog!
Lashes is a different story... She's a GREAT DOG, but she's more "high strung." She’s never met a stranger, and I jokingly say she’d leave us in a heartbeat if someone else was petting her.
She’s a Puggle which is a Pug/Beagle Mix that we rescued from the Houston Humane Society when she was 4 months old. I was having an off day at work {to put it nicely} so I visited their website and what do I see, THiS FACE

How could we NOT go and visit her?
When they brought her out she ran full speed to us, tail wagging the entire time, & tongue licking EVERYthing, even the air. After playing with her for 20 minutes she stopped, took a deep breathe, and with a sleepy face glanced at my lap and decided that’s where she needed to nap at… again, how could we NOT get her?
The next day we brought Diesel to meet her
And since they hit it off, September 1, 2011 “Puggy Sue,” became Lashes Love aka “Smooch!”
As she's gotten older she developed an amazing under bite

she's super tough,
Stubborn, an AMAZiNG snuggler, likes to sleep on necks.

She likes to lay on the top of the couch like a cat
& she's obsessed with her big brother.

We took a roadtrip this past June {2012} to California, making a stop at The Grand Canyon first, and they did Amazing! We really lucked out with both of them and we’re knowingly over obsessed, but if you took care of them and were around them as often as we are, you’d be obsessed too!
Well, I hope you feel like you know us a little better & I’m optimistic that you’ll enjoy our stories & our adventures.

Feel free to ask us questions, give us feedback, or pass this blog along to anyone you’d think would be interested.
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