Since I'm in dire need to catch up to our life's current events, I’m going to do what I like to call, “Speed Posting.”
This was our July in a nut shell {that's what she said}
This was our July in a nut shell {that's what she said}
The beginning of July was mainly dedicated to unpacking and getting back to our “normal,” pace of life, and since we didn’t hold back while in California, our 1st few weekends back was dedicated to saving money, so naturally, I took photos of my fury children.
This is Diesel & Lashes sharing D's new bed during their traditional noon nap
Going through boxes in our office we discovered a pair of butterfly wings that I wore Halloween 2002, so unsurprisingly, we put them on the dogs
He's so purdy
We got to spend an evening with Cody’s brother, Patrick, his wife Kellie, our two nieces {Brianna & Marissa}, and our two awesome friends, Chris & Kara. We had dinner at an Italian restaurant that I can’t for the life of me remember the name, BUT I did snap a cute pic with my BFF Brianna.
On July 22nd Cody & I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. Since we’re now married, we don’t exchange gifts, but we do acknowledge the date by going out to dinner. Here we are in the Outback Steak House parking lot about to stuff our faces with steak, loaded baked potatoes, & a salad… YUM!
So I was sent an article about a recall on chicken jerky that was actually causing dogs to DIE…. YES, you read this correctly, to DIE! To be extra careful I snopes’d it and it is true! I also found out that Blue Buffalo’s chicken dog food is from China too, so some of their products were recalled. Costco, Wal-mart, Sam’s Club, & Target all carried these treats and food {not their fault, but just be aware}, here is the snopes’ link:
So because of this, I did what every rational mom would do…I baked my dogs homemade treats! I baked 2 different flavors, Banana & Peanut butter and Carrots & Spinach. I used our food processor to puree the ingredients and then I baked them in a muffin tin for 20minutes & 350 degrees. The dogs LOVED them!
Since Cody’s 1st weekend away didn’t go bad, he didn’t feel guilty spending another weekend away, but this time, he and his two brothers had a man’s weekend in Bedias, TX {right outside of Huntsville} spending time with their uncle & grandfather. While he was fishing, eating beef jerky, & drinking beer; I was gallivanting around town with three of my favorite people, Kara “kare bear” Gianni, Matt “Heathcliff” Hankins, & Shilpa Anjali. I started my day with Kara by shopping at the outlet mall, lunch at Newk’s, & ending our day date with Channing Tatum’s “Magic Mike.” {I was NOT impressed with this movie… you can wait for it to be on HBO, or TBS. I can’t believe there is already a second one being filmed!!}. After Kara dropped me off, I ran inside, touched up my makeup, changed into “night on the town” attire, and headed to Cyclone Anaya’s {a very yummy Mexican restaurant!} to meet up with Matt & Shilpa. After dinner we walked to the new Little Woodrows in the Heights. This is where we consumed the majority of our beer, which lead us to take a shot, which lead us to Pub Fiction, and this is where the below photos were born. Shilpa decided that I need color on my lips, so she whipped out the red lipstick and dolled me up… I do love it, but I also feel like red lipstick ON ME, makes me look slutty {no, not my cleavage, the red lipstick!} so naturally, to modest me up, a mu-stash {no, not a mustache, this was fancier} a mu-stash, was needed. I think she did a fantastic job making it even!

My good friend Kristin was assigned to our project in Australia, she had been there for over six months, and was finally coming home to visit! While down under {that’s what she said!} she celebrated a milestone, she turned 30 years old, so I had to throw her a mini party during her short stay. Jacque attack suggested this new bar that opened up called, J. Black’s. They have other locations in Austin & Dallas, so I’m very happy they opened up one here, because it’s amazing! They are a big parties dream, especially if you’re splitting checks {the Jew in me really LOVES this!}. Everyone’s drinks and food is on a bar tab, and their food=DELICIOUS!
{Side Note, TOTALLY unrelated to anything I’ve been typing, but I was JUST interrupted by my friend/co-worker and I brought up being too lazy to use the restroom, and she replied, “only when I’m sleepy.” Which made me think of that dream where you’re in the restroom and you wake up to discover that you wet the bed, have ya’ll done that? I have. Okay, moving on…} Back to J. Black’s, Go there, it's awesome!

The above photos were welcoming a friend back from Australia & the below photos are sending a friend there. Our good friend Joe “Hulk Smash” Monroe was offered a position that he couldn’t refuse so to bid him adieu we organized a happy hour at OTC Patio Bar. We only stayed there for about 15 min. due to no A/C and being bitten by bugs so we walked next door to Hendricks’ where we had a BLAST! The bartender was hilarious, the opening of the Olympics was being aired, their drink specials were priced right, and their $5 pizzas… *kisses finger tips and slightly opens them as my hand goes into the air* LIP-SMACKING GOOD!

As a thank you for Cody volunteering & accompanying my little brother to Dallas {to read about that, click here}, my mom bought all of us theater tickets to watch, “Disney’s The Lion King,” at the Hobby Center, for their AUTISM THEATRE INITIATIVE. In the Hobby Center’s Words, “The Hobby Center is proud to announce the launching of our Lion King Autism Theatre Initiative, making live theatre accessible to children on the autism spectrum and their families. The first ever autism-friendly performance of a Broadway show in Houston will be Disney's land mark musical THE LION KING, on Saturday, July 28th at 2:00pm. Now in its 15th year, over 64 million people worldwide have come to discover the wonder, the majesty, and the truly one-of-a-kind experience that is THE LION KING. For this special performance, accommodations will be made, including a supportive audience environment, designated quiet areas, adjustments to light and sound, and online resource materials.”
These tickets are normally $100 and up but for this initiative, they were priced between $25-60 {thank you Hobby Center & contributors that made this possible}.
It still makes me tear up when I think back at the sold out theater filled with autistic & other special need families. To see them dressed up & able to enjoy a show without having to worry if their loved one will be “a bother” to those around was truly a blessing. The hobby center did a FANTASTIC job at catering to Autistic people. They had quiet rooms set up so if they needed to get away, they could. They had what they called, “fidget” kooshballs to keep hands busy, & they held up green glow sticks at the parts of the show that were going to be loud to warn us to cover the ears of those that are sensitive to sound. It was AMAZiNG! This was my mother, my brother, & Cody’s first time to attend a show, and it was probably the best one they could have attended. 

The Lion King itself was THE BEST SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN, the costumes were sensational, the singing was beautiful, and the audience interaction was so cool, my husband is hooked now! We decided to collect throw blankets from every show we attended, because during the intermission Cody had to go and buy us one because it was FREEEEEEEZING in there! The blanket is huge though, it covered all of us, and for some reason, that made it even more fun.
After the show we headed into Tomball to eat at Mel’s Country Cafe, again, GO THERE! They have amazing burgers & dessert!
It was a perfect day that I can relive in memory, over & over again.
Thanks mom for buying us the tickets!!!
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