In the spirit of trying to catch up to present day, I’m
going to be doing Month Recaps, hitting the “big” events that occurred. First up, My last birthday in my 20’s. Yep, I’m owning my age… 30 doesn’t have to be
scary right? Eh, I’m not there yet
{focus Jeannie}. Looking back on this
day, I laugh, because my first memory is, “I’m hulking out of my clothes!” Apparently I ripped my dress’ lining when
hoisting myself into Cody’s truck which caused the hem line to creep up &
the exposure of my panties, strike 1 and 2; strike 3 came after lunch while
sitting at my desk, all I could feel were sharp pains in my left boob {Chimmi},
then I realized what was happening, my right boob {Chonga} decided to push the
underwire of my bra out and stab Chimmi, it was horrible. We had a big happy hour planned that night,
and I was literally tearing out of all my clothes, so after work, I hobbled
across the street to the Galleria and headed straight to Agaci for an outfit
& Intimacy Boutique for a bra, this outfit easily became one of my

To celebrate with my family we went bowling… oh I love
bowling; then back to the house for my mom’s cheesecake and gifts

On my actual birthday I woke up to presents &
breakfast, and this is when I met My 3rd Kate Spade… isn’t she

Lashes approved as well.
Next on the November agenda, Thanksgiving! We love thanksgiving, the gathering of
friends, foods, family, food, laughs, food, did I mention food?

And in true tradition, the day after Thanksgiving, Black
Friday, is dedicated to buying our Christmas tree & getting it set up and
ready to decorate

And this isn’t a big event, just something incredibly cute
that I needed to share

We bought this tutu for Lashes, but of course, Diesel
wanted to try it on as well. Once I took
it off her he started getting excited and jumping, and barking, and then jutted
his head out as if to say, “Mom, my turn!”
He’s so my dog. And the bottom
picture makes me laugh every time; In true Lashes form, the camera must always
be facing her, so she naturally photo bombed Diesel
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