Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Christmas Card: Squeaken noise

We take extreme pride in our Christmas cards, it became a tradition in 2007 when we first moved in together and accidently took a photo that cracked me up {it was for an ugly Christmas sweater party} & it inspired me to take the time to make 100 cards.  That was the birth of our obsession.  We gradually got more gun-ho and creative throughout the years, excluding 2008, that’s the year we were planning our wedding and we moved in with my parents to save for our house; with our time spread thin, I opted out, there was no way I’d send out a skimpy card… people would’ve been disappointed!


Cody is OBSESSED with Christmas Vacation, actually, his entire family is, we start watching it on thanksgiving… I know, it’s crazy.  It was even the theme of his parent’s Christmas party and you came dressed as a character.  This Card was inspired by our favorite scene.  Here are our outtakes
Aunt Bethany & Uncle Lewis
Figuring out how to make Lashes/Squirrel look like she was jumping out of the tree

Trial and error to have the effect of Diesel chasing Lashes

Our Group shots that didn’t make the cut

And just some cute photos of the kids
*Side Note: we colored Diesel’s hair black… but we ran out of dye so we were only able to do his back… good thing you only see his belly, right?  Oh well

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DiY Candy Post

For Christmas this year, our neighborhood held its first contest, “Best Christmas Decorations.”  No, we didn’t win and no, I don’t know who did, but I bet it was someone on the HOA committee… Suburb politics, try making me put up my trashcans now! 
We knew we wanted to put candy canes in our yard but they were too expensive to buy in the masses, so we decided to make them.  Hence this DiY post. 

Here is what you’ll need
*Side Note: The peppermints are PAPER PLATES folks and before you start dissing them, they held up and are still holding up in our attic. Their second night outside we had a HUGE rain storm, it rained for 3 days and I don’t mean a little drizzle, I’m talking about trees bending over, streets flooding, animals being flung onto roof tops…but not our plates, they stood their ground, strong & proud.
First Step: Cutting PVC Pipes 
We were able to create 3 per pipe {Note, my dogs weren’t in the garage when I made the actual cuts, this photo is staged for your pleasure}

Step 2: Attach the Peppermint
We attached them using Hot glue and reinforced it with scotch tape
Step 3: Plastic Wrap
We opted to use clear plastic, but Hobby Lobby {or your local craft store} has tons of options. 
*Tip: We used zip ties to secure the plastic before adding the ribbon
Step 4: Add Hooks
Since we wanted to string lights we screwed in these hooks {you can find them at your local hardware store}
Step 5: Marvel at Your Work
Step 6: Put in Yard
We spaced them evenly apart and strung lights to give them even more of a "wow factor."
Voilà! Candy Cane Wonderland

Monday, June 3, 2013

November 2012

In the spirit of trying to catch up to present day, I’m going to be doing Month Recaps, hitting the “big” events that occurred.  First up, My last birthday in my 20’s.  Yep, I’m owning my age… 30 doesn’t have to be scary right?  Eh, I’m not there yet {focus Jeannie}.  Looking back on this day, I laugh, because my first memory is, “I’m hulking out of my clothes!  Apparently I ripped my dress’ lining when hoisting myself into Cody’s truck which caused the hem line to creep up & the exposure of my panties, strike 1 and 2; strike 3 came after lunch while sitting at my desk, all I could feel were sharp pains in my left boob {Chimmi}, then I realized what was happening, my right boob {Chonga} decided to push the underwire of my bra out and stab Chimmi, it was horrible.  We had a big happy hour planned that night, and I was literally tearing out of all my clothes, so after work, I hobbled across the street to the Galleria and headed straight to Agaci for an outfit & Intimacy Boutique for a bra, this outfit easily became one of my favorites
To celebrate with my family we went bowling… oh I love bowling; then back to the house for my mom’s cheesecake and gifts
On my actual birthday I woke up to presents & breakfast, and this is when I met My 3rd Kate Spade… isn’t she pretty?
Lashes approved as well.
Next on the November agenda, Thanksgiving!  We love thanksgiving, the gathering of friends, foods, family, food, laughs, food, did I mention food?
And in true tradition, the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, is dedicated to buying our Christmas tree & getting it set up and ready to decorate
And this isn’t a big event, just something incredibly cute that I needed to share
We bought this tutu for Lashes, but of course, Diesel wanted to try it on as well.  Once I took it off her he started getting excited and jumping, and barking, and then jutted his head out as if to say, “Mom, my turn!”  He’s so my dog.  And the bottom picture makes me laugh every time; In true Lashes form, the camera must always be facing her, so she naturally photo bombed Diesel

Sunday, June 2, 2013

3 Pumpkin & A Spirit

The first year in our home we conducted a pumpkin carving contest, and ever since then it’s become an annual event.  Our first ones were quite impressive
{Yes, that is David Hasselhoff, courtesy of Cody, and I did the pumpkin of us}
This year, I wanted to carve our family, “how hard could it be?
 Answer… HARD!  Cody whittled Diesel & I was in charge of us & Lashes
We had a lot of fun doing it
Final results:
When all the lights were off so I could take this shot, I jokingly said that mine were better, and then made the comment, “Anyone here will vote for mine!”  Then I saw a weird film in my view finder… I brought my camera down from my eye… nothing.  I put my camera back up to my eye, and there it was again… moving, slooooooowly up, almost like gliding, so I snapped a few photos, and who ever this lovely spirit was, it voted for Cody too… so fine, I suppose if those from the beyond are weighing in as well, I can admit Cody won!
Regardless of whose was better *cough, mine* they all looked cute outside on Halloween night.
Plus, their seeds were delicious once we baked them!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Grool Bye Party

Our dear friend Bridger, aka B&E, was relocated to Australia for work, and since his departure took place around Halloween his friends threw him a costume going away party {& you know we love a good themed party, we take dressing up very seriously}.  Originally we had  planned on going as Anchorman’s Veronica Corningstone & Ron Burgundy but finding a maroon blazer turned out to be a harder feat than we thought, so a week before the party we decided to go as Roy Lichtenstein’s Pop Art.
We already possessed the clothes, we just needed a little face paint; both costumes were achieved for under $20
You know we had to involve the dogs in some way, so we decided to give them a voice
We took a party bus around Houston, only stopping at Little/Big Woodrows {Bridger's favorite bar}.  I think we stopped at a total of five!  It was a lot of fun