Thursday, May 10, 2012

Code Word: Pervy

Our instant message conversation this morning:

Miles, Jeannie 7:38 AM
When did it become okay to stop putting veggies and cheese in my eggs?

Cody Miles 7:38 AM
punch in the baby makers I tell ya
right in the womb

Miles, Jeannie 7:38 AM
well, it was a punch to my taste buds
I’ll tell ya that much

Cody Miles 7:39 AM
I didn’t feel like cutting onions and jalapenos masters
I sorry miss ma’am  it won’t happen again

Miles, Jeannie 7:39 AM
and cheese was just too much
I swear... i give an inch you take a mile

Cody Miles 7:40 AM
I sorry miss master miles

Miles, Jeannie 7:40 AM
sorry isn't going to cut it this time

Cody Miles 7:40 AM
I’ll take my lashings now...

Miles, Jeannie 7:40 AM
oh no, you won't know when they’re coming.

Cody Miles 7:40 AM
just don’t let the chilre'n sees it

Miles, Jeannie 7:40 AM
at least the bacon was good
who is this?!
this isn't Cody
this is Matt

Cody Miles 7:41 AM
no its me

Miles, Jeannie 7:41 AM
what is our Heaven code word then

Cody Miles 7:41 AM
isn’t that it? 

Miles, Jeannie 7:42 AM

Cody Miles 7:42 AM
what? yes it is
was it something about our belly buttons

Miles, Jeannie 7:44 AM
I can't believe you
if I died today you couldn't find me in the future
this is BS
I’m blocking you!
*shakes head*

Cody Miles 7:44 AM
what is it?!  

Miles, Jeannie 7:44 AM

Cody Miles 7:44 AM
that’s right!!!

Miles, Jeannie 7:44 AM

Cody Miles 7:44 AM

Miles, Jeannie 7:44 AM
cheese and rice!

Cody Miles 7:45 AM
well i try not to think about dyeing haha

Miles, Jeannie 7:45 AM
you worry about dumb stuff
and don't plan for our eternal future

Cody Miles 7:45 AM
I won’t forget it now ;)

Miles, Jeannie 7:45 AM
I’m happy I am

Cody Miles 7:45 AM

Miles, Jeannie 7:45 AM
I’d be wondering around
muttering "pervy?"

Cody Miles 7:45 AM

Miles, Jeannie 7:45 AM
to all these randoms

Cody Miles 7:46 AM

Miles, Jeannie 7:46 AM
and then I’d probably find a pervert
that thinks I'm coming on to him
and says it back
then I’d be with the wrong guy
and I’m sure there are going to be swarms of Jews there
so Booba or Bubeleh would NOT be our code word for Heaven

Cody Miles 7:47 AM
OK... Pervy it is. 

Miles, Jeannie 7:47 AM
are you sure?!
can you remember that

Cody Miles 7:47 AM
I won’t forget it now haha

Miles, Jeannie 7:47 AM
I would hope not

Cody Miles 7:48 AM
so we went from cheese on your eggs to finding each other in heaven with code word pervy haha

Miles, Jeannie 7:49 AM
that seems about right

Cody Miles 7:49 AM
love it haha
and I love you

Miles, Jeannie 7:50 AM
love you too

Allow me to clarify the above conversation for those of you that aren’t aware with why we have a “code word,” for Heaven. 

When I was younger, I would attend weekly youth Bible classes and on one occasion we spoke about marriage and how to move on if/when your spouse passes.  I was taught it is okay to remarry but I raised my hand and asked, what I thought to be a good & genuine question {but apparently everyone else knew the answer to},  “If your spouse dies, and you remarry, which one of them do you spend eternity with in Heaven once you all pass?”  There were chuckles & a few *bless her hearts* and the response was,
“When you get to Heaven, your relationships & ties that you had on Earth, are no longer in existence.  Once you arrive at the pearly gates, everyone knows everyone, you won’t know your mother from a stranger, etc…” and I was heartbroken.  My first thought was, “My aunt Kay won’t know I was her niece?” But now that I’m older, I see why this concept is so great, because everyone is family, you’ll love and support them, and they’ll love and support you, but I can’t help feeling like I would want to know if I had a closer bond with someone over the next {not very Christian, I know, I apologize}.  Since we take on different forms once we leave our Earth bound bodies, I knew I wanted to have a code word with my husband so when we’re floating around, or what have you, in Heaven we could find one another, and 8 years ago, after refereeing lovingly to Cody as pervy {short for pervert} we decided that would be the best code word for us.  We don’t think anyone else would have the gall to use that word in Heaven, or at least we hope not!

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