While at work this past Thursday I received a phone call from the front desk, I wasn’t able to answer, so the call was ignored. A few minutes later, I receive an Instant message from Cody asking me if I had a call from the lobby, confused at how he knew this, I answered and he gently forced me to go down to the 1st floor to check it out.
I’m so happy I did, because these beauties where there waiting for me!!
I’m so happy I did, because these beauties where there waiting for me!!

After showing them off I responded to Cody via IM:
My above reference to “Split Apart,” was due to the card attached which read,
“I just want you to know how much I love you Booba. You truly are my Split Apart.”
My eyes got a tad watery, I’ll admit it. The first night Cody & I met we spoke on the phone for over 6 hours, so we covered a lot of ground. One of the conversations we had was about relationships, soul mates, etc… and I told him about Plato’s “Split Aparts,” which is why I’m obsessed with belly buttons.
I remember after explaining it, he was very quiet and sweetly said, “You don’t really believe this, do you?” I laughed, because I knew it sounded crazy, I reassured him I did not, but I thought it was a romantic synopsis.
We haven’t really spoken of it for at least 6 years, so that was a sweet surprise to see it on the card.
If you’re curious about split aparts, I’ll do my best to break down
Aristophanes’ Speech from Plato’s Symposium:
Humans were once round and half male & half female. They had four arms, feet, & ears, with one head that had two faces {they looked in opposite directions}. They could still walk upright like humans today, but they could also roll around using their multiple hands & feet to move faster.
After a while, the humans started trying to take over the Heavens, so the Gods grew scared. They contemplated exterminating them, like they did the giants, but then there wouldn’t be anyone left to worship them, and what good is being a God if you’re not being worshiped? So they had to think of a plan.
Zeus ultimately came up with the winning solution. Zeus sliced the humans in half which made us weaker but it also increased our numbers so there were more worshipers, but we looked really odd after being split into two, so Apollo healed our wounds and sculpted our bodies. He then pulled what is like a purse’s draw string very tight, so our arms and legs fell into place, and tied a knot to secure it. We still have evidence of this scar, our belly buttons. {Why I like belly buttons J}
Since there were more of us, they still had to worry about humans trying to take over, so the Gods casted one half of each of us to the ends of the earth so we’d spend our time searching for our other half, our split apart, instead of trying to take over the kingdom.
You can understand Cody’s concern now, but I still love this story, no matter how outlandish it is!